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Take the Lead!

Taking the lead in business is a lot like a horse race - lots of strategic planning, training, communication, team work, empowerment, accountability, knowing your goals. strengths and weaknesses, staying ahead of your competitor and a tad of luck.

Watch a great horse race. So often the winner will come down the stretch, holding back until they can put on their best; others go wire to wire and win easily. You must know your most effective approach and to do that requires knowing your team skill sets. Most important, you must avoid burn out.

Famous trainers, great jockeys and extraordinary horses all work as a team and give each other cues through subtle communiciation.

These are the key elements to success. Keep them in mind.

No one wins a race without hard work and terrific, consistent communication. That defines leadership and everyone who is empowered and knows the plan can be a leader.

So go out there and take the lead.

~Jody Calendar

Would love to hear your feedback, comments and suggestions.

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