Jody Calendar Communications, LLC
Strategic Messaging
There is no more powerful tool than communicating well. It’s the essence behind all great companies. It requires integrity, commitment, learned skills and a deep understanding of what you want to communicate.
Our philosophy is that strategic messaging is a team sport. Effective internal and external communication is essential to a company’s success.
Jody has run focus groups around the country for news organizations and businesses to determine the perceptions of the business and the needs of the consumers.
As a nationally recognized editor and writer, and having run two major newsrooms, Jody Calendar can teach management and staff to gently mold messages so that they have clarity, tone, voice, and meaning. Her understanding of framing a narrative is based on story telling in print as well as being an accomplished motivational speaker.
Calendar Communications, LLC offers seminars about narrative frameworks, message packaging, audience context, marketing, media and crisis communications, business plans, internal newsletters, company to company communication as well as simply communicating an idea to gain support and collaboration.
Calendar Communications, LLC has a long history of writing and editing books, corporate reports, business and marketing plans, news stories, manuscripts, grants, marketing materials and just about anything put into print or electronic page. We focus on strategic messaging.
Calendar Communications, LLC will provide companies the
tools to achieve that and more. We have designers, writers,
editors, a web developer and a photographer to compliment
a full line of services.